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So you’ve been hearing a lot about voice search lately and how it’s going to change content marketing as we know it. Maybe you’re wondering if you need to do anything different or if it’s just another passing fad. Spoiler alert: voice search is here to stay and it’s going to have a huge impact on how people find and interact with content. If you want your content to rank and be found in this new world of voice assistants and smart speakers, you need to start optimizing for voice search right now.

Optimizing Your Content for Voice Search:

With more and more people using voice assistants like Siri and Alexa, optimizing your content for voice search has become crucial. Here are a few tips to help your content rank higher in voice search results:

Focus on natural language. Write in a conversational tone using common words and phrases. Avoid stiff, overly formal language.

Use transition words. Words like “also,” “in addition,” and “furthermore” help create flow and connect ideas. This makes your content easier to understand when read aloud.

Include questions and answers. Having Q&A content, FAQs, or other question-driven information helps voice assistants provide direct answers to users.

Share structured data. Provide details like location info, product info, event info, etc. using schema markup. This gives voice assistants more information to draw from.

Repeat important phrases. Naturally reiterate or rephrase main themes, ideas and keywords throughout your content. This reinforces what’s most significant and helps voice search engines determine relevance.

Keep sentences concise. Shorter sentences (around 15 to 20 words) are easier to understand when spoken. They also tend to rank better in voice search.

Include multimedia. Images, videos, infographics, and other visuals provide more context for voice assistants and users. They also make your content more engaging and shareable.

With voice search becoming more widely used, optimizing your content in these ways can help you reach more people and gain higher rankings in voice search engine results. The time you invest now will pay off as voice search continues to grow.

Role of Natural Language:

To rank well in voice search, you need to optimize for natural language and long-tail keywords. What does that mean?

Think about how people actually speak and the questions they might ask out loud. Use common phrases and conversational wording in your content, not just one or two keywords. For example, instead of just including "virtual assistant," also use "digital assistant" or "AI assistant."

Focus on longer, more specific keywords and key phrases, known as "long-tail" keywords. Someone is more likely to ask Alexa for a "tutorial on photographing wildlife in the African savanna" than just "wildlife photography tips." Include these longer, highly targeted phrases throughout your content.

You should also use:

Synonyms (e.g., photo and photograph)

Related searches (e.g., wildlife photography and nature photography)

Semantically similar terms (e.g., safari and savanna)

To determine the best long-tail keywords for your content, do some searches on voice assistants and see what types of questions people are asking. Pay attention to the natural language they use. Then, sprinkle those keywords and key phrases throughout your content, in a natural and conversational way.

By optimizing for the way people actually talk and search by voice, you'll make it much easier for the assistants to find and recommend your content. And that's the key to ranking well in this new era of voice search.

Learn to Optimize your content for Voice Assistant

To optimize your content for voice assistants like Siri, Alexa and Google Assistant, there are a few key things you can do.

Use Natural Language

Write as you speak - casually and conversationally. Voice assistants respond best to natural, everyday language. Avoid overly formal or technical terms when possible. Speak directly to the reader using second-person point of view (you/your).

Keep Sentences Short

Aim for simple sentences that are 15 to 20 words or less. Voice assistants can only process so much information at once, so shorter sentences are easier to understand and respond to.

Use Common Vocabulary

Choose commonly used words and phrases. Avoid obscure, little-known terms, acronyms and initialisms which voice assistants may not recognize. Provide context and definitions for any uncommon words you do use.

Add Synonyms

Include synonyms, related phrases and semantically similar terms for key words and phrases. This helps voice assistants better understand your content and provides more opportunities to be discovered.

Structure Content Logically

Use headings and bulleted lists to logically structure your content. Voice assistants can more easily navigate and comprehend content that has a clear flow and order. Headings also provide context for any lists or group of points that follow.

Be Concise Yet Descriptive

Find the right balance between being concise while still being descriptive. Voice assistants favor content that is scan able yet still paints a clear and engaging picture for the reader with examples, stories and actionable advice. Provide enough details and context to be genuinely helpful.


The rise of voice search is exciting and presents tons of opportunities for marketers and businesses. But it also means you need to make some changes to keep up with how people are interacting with technology and information. Focus on optimizing your content for voice by using natural language, answering common questions, and creating content that ranks well in voice search results. Voice search is only going to become more popular, so make the necessary adjustments now to ensure your business is set up for success. The future is voice, and the future is now. Get your content voice-ready and you'll be ahead of the game.

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